Four days trip                             

Day 1): We leave Tulcea to Caraorman villagge, situated in the middle of the danube delta. We will cross a very nice canal Litcov, with a lot of birds like herons, egrets, pelicans, ibis, spoonbils. Breakfast and lunch on board, dinner and accomodation in Caraorman in a guest house.

Day 2): After a visit to the forest Caraorman we will leave to Mila 23 crossing the lakes Bogdaproste, Trei Iezere, Radacinos. Mila 23 is a very interesting villagge, old belivers rssian people living there.
Is a day of pelicans, rollers and a lor of other thigs. Also ,we will stop in Crisan villagge to visit the danube delta eco information centre.
Breakfast at the guest house,lunch on board, dinner and accomodation in Mila 23 villagge in a very nice guest house.

Day 3): Starting at Mila 23 village we will visit a very nice monastery, BATAG, situated in the middle of the reed area. After the visit we will continuesthe day with short trips with small boats on very, very wild places where wecould see the birds at one - two m. far. Lunch on board, dinner and accomodation in Mila 23 villagge.

Day4): After the breakfast at your guest house, starting another nice day, return to Tulcea town on Sontea, Olgutza, Sireasa, Mila 35 canals. Of course, a short break for cafee on Fortuna lake will be great. As birds... full day for herons, wans, pelicans, egrets, white tailed eagle andmore, more others.. Lunch on board, including very taste romanian wine.