Mila 23                                       

Mila 23 is a typical fishermen settlement in the first leg of the "Big M" (of de Olf Dunabe).

The village originally was formed of reed huts.

The occupation of the men consist of fishing, while their wives maintain the vegetable gardens, the orchards with plum trees, quince trees and pear trees, as well as the wineyards.

Oriols which build their nests in the pear trees and the big poison green frogs are the most seen wild animals.

It has a fisheries station and is a village with high turistic value for trips to the lakes Leghianca, Matita and Rosca, and the sandbanks of Stipoc en Chilia, about 12 kilometers departed from the village of Crişan.

Accomodation in Mila 23

Click on the picture for a description 

Pensiunea Dunarea Veche

Vila Felicia

Pensiunea Filaret

Pensiunea Heron


Pensiunea Inima Deltei

Pensiunea Mila 23

Vila Mila 23

Pensiunea Tureac



Pensiunea Valodea

Pensiunea Vanessa

Pensiunea La Vica